Selen Momentum Continues with Key Newspaper Endorsements. New Jersey Hills Media Group stated, "He is the best choice in the crowded 11th District GOP primary field to take on popular two-term incumbent Democrat Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill in November."

Tayfun Selen has been endorsed by Republican leaders from all across New Jersey's 11th Congressional District.
Our endorsements in the news:
Parsippany Focus - "Continuing his momentum heading into the Morris County Republican Committee convention, key Republicans from four of the five largest municipalities among Republican primary voters in the County threw their backing behind Tayfun Selen for Congress. The list includes Mayors of two of the three largest municipalities – Rockaway Mayor Joe Jackson and Jefferson Mayor Eric Wilsusen – as well as Parsippany Councilman Paul Carifi and Republican Chair Lou Valori."
New Jersey Globe - "Four of Republican Commissioner Tayfun Selen’s colleagues on the Morris County Board of Commissioners – Kathy DeFillippo, John Krickus, Steve Shaw, and Deb Smith have endorsed our campaign for the 11th congressional district."
Last January, Tayfun Selen was sworn in as Morris County Commissioner Director, after being elected by his fellow Commissioners.